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Saturday, February 16, 2013

Do Protestants Celebrate Lent?

Do Protestants Celebrate Lent?

The answer is you can! Although many denominations do not celebrate lent. We decided that OUR family would prepare our hearts for Easter by celebrating Lent.

What is Lent?
According to Bing:
The period before Easter in Christian calendar: the period of 40 weekdays before Easter observed in some Christian churches as a period of prayer, penance, fasting, and self-denial

Last Supper Diorama - Holy Thursday Craft
Last Supper Diorama

How could a protestant celebrate Lent?

We are using the devotional Lord, Have Mercy by Amy Edwards and it is for an Evangelical Protestant perspective, it is a Kindle book. 
Super cute idea for lent sunday
for Palm Sunday

Our Children will be doing some activities on the different days of Lent most of which we found on Catholic Icing. We will read scripture pertaining to each project and discuss the significance of the event. Additionally, on Easter we will have a feast (but we do that every year).
Now, my humble suggestion is that before you use any of these items with your children if you are a protestant is that you discuss this with your husband. Additionally, you may have to modify them to  use them so they adhere to your protestant belief system. I am NOT trying to blend Catholicism & Protestantism we are seeking only to worship our Lord Jesus as he has prescribed for our family. When you print out her stuff if you're a Baptist like me I often read then discard the directions, and I cut off or erase anything that is specific to the Catholicism.

Does your family celebrate Lent? If so what are y'all doing to draw closer to the Lord that has been made manifest to us?

Baptist, Easter, Lent, tradtions

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